This article assumes you have already purchased your VPS from our website and have accessed your panel via the email you would have received after payment! So let's go from there.
Changing OS
By default your selected OS will be Alpine Linux but to change it it's simple.
Head down to where it says "Startup" or the small icon with the Pencil on it to begin changing your OS.
After you have selected this then head over to the "Docker Image" section which allows you to choose an OS.
Upon having selected an OS head back to the console page which we were just on and click the restart icon in the top right. This will then restart your machine into the new OS. You can change OS's at any time but it may affect hosted applications and they will share the same directory.
Resizing the virtual disk size
Once again to get started head to the "Startup" section.
Then upon going to the Startup page you can see "Virtual Disk Size". Change this to whatever feels right.
Keep in mind you can not allocate more space than allocated by us otherwise your server may experience crashes.
Accessing my VPS
Upon having fully installed the operating system and the console hasn't updated for a few minutes with anything new we can safely assume that the system is ready to access. Keep in mind if the console is still processing the download/install of the OS you should not touch it as it may brick the install.
After the console is done installing follow these steps:
- Refresh your browser page.
- Type "root" into the console.
- Then set a root password by typing
echo 'root:<PASSWORD>'|chpasswd
Make sure to replace <PASSWORD> with your desired root password. - You can now freely use your VPS from the Pterodactyl console. If you want to access the VPS via SSH keep following.
- Open up a command prompt on your system and allow it administrator. Next type:
ssh root@<SERVER-IP> -p <SERVERPORT>
Making sure to replace the <SERVER-IP> with your server IP and the <SERVERPORT> with your servers port, both found in the top right of the console screen under "ADDRESS"